Uiwebview Local Html Javascript File

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Phone that much, but as a web developer the beauty of CSS transitions, animations and transforms cant pass unnoticed. This time Im giving away a widget that resembles the native Picker View UIPicker. View functionality but entirely built on javascript. First things first. Have a look at the demo page or, if you dont have your device at hand, watch the screencast I baked for you. Please note that the script is in beta phase, I am publishing it to receive feedback and suggestions. In the next few days we should have a stable version. Update 2. 00. 90. We are out of beta, the script is now stable and ready for production hope so. In the zip I also included a minified 9kb version of the script to save some bits of precious bandwidth. Update 2. 00. 90. It seems that in full screen mode prevent. Default and stop. Propagation placed in touch. Start event are not enough to block the propagation of the touch event. Adding prevent. Default to touch. Move event solved the problem. Update 2. 00. 90. OS3. 0 compatibility. Update 2. 00. 90. Apple is well aware of the webkit refresh bug, fortunately they are kind enough to offer a workaround. All we have to do is to use translate. Go get the latest version of the scriptHow to use the script. The widget is composed of two parts the stylesheet and the javascript. No HTML is needed as all the elements are created by the script on the fly. Include both the JS and the CSS into your page and you are ready to spin. Youll be also surprised to see that the spinning wheel itself is built with just two images, while other three images are needed for the header and buttons. The PNGs altogether are 4. The code does not need initialization on window load. You cannot have more than one picker at a time, so the Spinning. Wheel object is unique and it is created as soon as you include the JS file. The first thing you need to do is to define the slots with Spinning. Wheel. add. Slotobj values, str styles, str default. Valuevalues is in the form of key value, key. Keys are the identifiers that wont be shown in the picker think of them as the value parameter in the lt option valuefoo barlt option tag. Values are the labels printed on the slots. The available values are right, align text inside the slot to the right readonly, the slot cant be spun shrink, shrink the slot width to the minimum possible. The first element of the slot will be selected if no default. Value is defined. When all the slots have been created, set the default actions for the cancel and done buttons. Spinning. Wheel. set. Cancel. Action function. Spinning. Wheel. set. Done. Action function Finally show the picker Spinning. Wheel. open Voila, the Picker View is ready for countless hours of spinning pleasure. To get the actual selected values call var result Spinning. Free Games Download Nature Park. Extract Ipd File. Wheel. get. Selected. Values result. Lets wrap everything together. Example. var numbers 0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9. Spinning. Wheel. add. Slotnumbers, right. Spinning. Wheel. add. Slotnumbers, right. Spinning. Wheel. add. Slot separator., readonly shrink. Spinning. Wheel. add. Slotnumbers, right. Spinning. Wheel. add. Slot Kg Kg, Lb Lb, St St, shrink. Spinning. Wheel. set. Cancel. Actioncancel. Spinning. Wheel. set. Done. Actiondone. Spinning. Wheel. open. Spinning. Wheel. get. Selected. Values. Look at the demo for more examples. Create custom styles. I preconfigured for you three styles for the slots, but you can add as many as you need. Say you want a slot with center aligned text. Add the following to the stylesheet sw slots. To apply the style create the slot like this Spinning. Wheel. add. Slotvalues, center A piece of cake. By default the slots try to fit their content. Slots with long text will be wider than ones with short text. Same as the lt table cell elements. With custom style you can override this behavior. If you have two slots and you want them to be exactly the same width you may add the following style sw slots. Spinning. Wheel. add. Slotvalues, 5. 0percent. Spinning. Wheel. add. Slotvalues You dont need to apply the style to both slots as the second will fit the remaining space or the other 5. Limitations. None that I can tell if not those imposed by the device small CPU. All animations are hardware accelerated, the birth date example in the demo creates more than one hundred elements and all animations are pretty fluid. The script is also compatible with both landscape and portrait mode and you can freely switch from one to the other while the spinning wheel is opened. That is more than what the native Picker View has to offer. Note that once closed the spinning wheel is completely inaccessible and all variables will be null or undefined. So basically you cant programmatically query the Spinning. Wheel object while it is not visible. Im now working on code optimization to reduce memory usage, I hope to release a stable version as soon as possible. The code is now stable, please leave your comments and suggestions. As always released under MIT license for all your coding needs. Download the script.